Having devices that can elevate your chances of having a lucid dream is awesome.
Technology is advancing so much that now we have access to:
Alternative: Train your own mind to get lucid naturally and induce a lucid dream whenever you want. There is no device that can compare to the power of the mind. Knowing you don’t need to rely on any external device and can simply use your own internal intelligence for your needs is incredibly empowering.
Both are great. But one feels like you need something outside of yourself to get the results you desire.
The other feels like stepping into your own power, tapping into that Holy Spirit within, knowing yourself, training yourself at a higher level of consciousness and awareness.
Lucid dreaming has helped show me how unbelievably incredible my mind is.
From within my dreams I can vulnerably work on myself, do that deep self exploration, connect with God, and get undistracted time to ask for and experience absolutely anything my mind can think of.
Have you tried out any of the devices?
Or do you prefer getting lucid naturally?
Love & lucidity,
Lana 💛
PS: My brand new lucid dreaming masterclass launches this week!
