Where are my sensory dreamers at?! 👁️👃👅👋👂
I grew up being able to free-fall off buildings and zoom through the sky.
Apparently, only 5% of people regularly experience this kind of feeling frequently in dreams!
Eating at my own dream buffet is BY FAR one of my favorite experiences!
Especially after cutting out sugar from my diet, consequence-free candy and foods from Japan and back home in the UK as part of my dream content is a MUST! 🤤
Smells are most certainly a rarer sense in the dream space...
... but I've explored using scents on my pillowcase or with a diffuser in my room that have brought me to lucidity as they seep into my nose mid-slumber! 👃🌺
One of the most common exciting new experiences I hear from my students who are getting lucid for the first time is that they go around touching EVERYTHING!
Reaching lucidity is such an awe-inspiring experience! It's common to feel like a baby seeing the world for the first time all over again!
It feels unbelievable to touch the grass or the ground beneath your feet...
... even better is if you get to feel something that you can't in waking life...
like the embrace of a deceased relative or snuggle up with a pet who has passed!
I regularly wake up from lucid dreams with a particular song stuck in my head!
Apparently, my dreams have soundtracks!? This is not just me, right? 😂🎶
What are some of the sensations you experience in your dreams?
Is there a sensory experience you'd like to lucidly induce?
Let me know!
Love & lucidity,
Lana 💛
